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Our order of Priority is Planet, People & Profits


Life Supporting elements like Air, Water, Earth & Fire deserve even more reverence than life itself.

When they are polluted, innumerable lives are harmed for long time to come.

Premsons is committed to protect environment & pass on Good Earth to next generation


World's #1 Carbon Neutral Bottles

Green Materials

Carbon dioxide is green house gas causing global warming & threatening life on earth. Bio Polymers are made from using annually renewable plant source. Plants absorb carbon dioxide while growing & when converted to polymer, its carbon neutral. Premsons has launched widest range of Bottles using plant based Bio Polymers. These are fully recyclable & we highly recommend them. Premsons also offers black colour bottles made of factory recycled plastics with low carbon footprint


We use latest technology machines reducing energy consumption needed to process plastics. We are implementing solar pipes to use Sun to light up factory. Premsons is also implementing Solar power project to power 30% of production. Usage of solar energy can be seen online for audit

Carbon Neutral Shipping

For small cost, third party can grow trees to offset carbon produced due to shipping, thereby making it carbon neutral.

Compensatory Recycling

Our MD Jayesh Khimji Rambhia is Guinness Book of world record holder for collecting 200,000 plastic bottles, recycling them to make Worlds largest T-shirt. Post record T shirt was cut into 10000 t shirts for underprivileged children. Earth is space ship & we are passengers. For a small cost, We can offer third party audited certificate for collection & recycling of plastic waste for compensating plastic bottles sold. This reduces waste plastic in ocean.

Single Use Plastic

Reusable Bottles replace packaged water bottles & save environment. Single use plastic free packaging available.

Eco Friendly Building

We use energy saving LED lights & Variable frequency devices. We use Eco Friendly CFC and HCFC free refrigerants to protect ozone layer

Zero Waste to Land Fill

Premsons manufacturing facility is committed to send zero waste to land fill by 2021

Water Positive

Nearly 40% children in this world, do not have access to clean & safe drinking water. Premsons is working to reduce wastage of water. As per UNICEF report nearly 4000 children die daily due to unsafe water. Premsons has made worlds most cost effective personal water purifier to remove bacteria, virus & cyst from water. These can be distributed to under privileged children through NGO, with your support. Ocean plastic is a major concern, harming all life forms. Premsons is actively engaged to reduce amount of plastic going into ocean

Save Environment & Boost Your Brand

When informed, young users are willing to pay premium & support to spread good work. It wins Huge goodwill for brand. Premsons supports conservation of outdoor through European Outdoor Conservation Association.


Dehydration is major cause of disease


To Help Improve Health Through Better Hydration, Globally


सबका साथ, सबका विकास 
Collaborative Action for Inclusive Growth

Premsons products are tested for safety as per EU standards to protect users & brands. Premsons is SADEX audited & follow all safety & social norms.


We add value and improve lives of

Users & Buyers

Employees & Suppliers

Shareholders & Society

In a Sustainable Manner



Premsons believes that is our responsibility to effectively achieve UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT goals.

Premsons is equal opportunity employer. Premsons has been able to get quality work from visually challenged, deaf & mute, differently able, senior citizen etc. giving them opportunity to live a life with dignity.

Premsons supports deserving workers financially to pursue courses for skill development training of work force adds value to their future career.

Premsons supports education & healthcare for under privileged as social responsibility.

Premsons has supports rural development & farmers affected by drought to save their livestock

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We strive to be most profitable supplier for our customers by timely delivering quality products.
We continuously work on innovations to delight users.

Money we receive from Happy Customer is happy money,making business sustainable


To Be World’s Favourite Water Bottles Maker

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